- Policy
- Ahliah School is committed to ensuring a secure and safe environment for all its community members. In line with this, all employees shall have the duty to ensure the wellbeing of the students, visitors and all community members
- All employee shall abide by the visitors policy
- Definition
- Visitor is a person that is not a student nor an employee nor a Board member at Ahliah School. Visitor includes but not limited to contractors, maintenance workers, auditors, student- teachers, parents, potential parents, volunteers, consultants, donors, previous teachers, previous students and any person who wish to visit the school.
- Purpose
- To create a guideline for visitors’ arrival and departure
- To ensure that visitors do not compromise students’ safety and welfare.
- Procedure
- Visitors arrival
- The guard shall guide the visitor to the reception area
- Visitors shall report to the reception
- The school receptionist shall receive the visitor and ensure that the visitor has recorded his/her name on the visitors log sheet kept at the reception desk (Appendix 2).
- The school receptionist shall ensure that the time of entry and departure of the visitor are registered in the log
- The school receptionist shall provide the visitor with the identification badge
- The school receptionist shall inform the visitor to keep the identification badge visible throughout their visit
- The relevant personnel shall escort the visitor from the reception area to the meeting room
- The relevant Personnel shall assist the visitor to his/her way back to the reception
- The visitor shall never walk on the school premise without being assisted.
- All Personnel shall not allow any visitor to conduct any interaction with the students without a prior approval from the school principal.
- All personnel shall not allow delivery agent to walk on school property without assistance.
- Visitors Departure
- The guard shall ensure that the visitor passed by the reception to return the badge
- The receptionist shall ensure to record the departure timing
- Visitors not wearing a badge
- All Personnel shall verbally and respectfully question and escort to the reception desk any individual not wearing a Visitors’ I.D. Badge.
- If the visitor refuses to comply, the personnel shall immediately inform the security guard.
- Parking in the school
- Parking in the school is strictly prohibited during school hours.
- Responsibilities
The security guard is responsible to monitor the entrance and departure of visitors and school community members. His/her responsibilities include:
- Direct visitors to the reception office
- Do not permit any interaction between visitors and students
The receptionist is responsible to
- Inform the relevant personnel of the visitor’s arrival
- Ensure that the visitor has his/her name in the visitors log
- Provide the visitor with the relevant badge
- Ensure that all visitors are assisted by a school personnel
- Ensure that the maintenance employee or the facility coordinator accompany any outsources maintenance contractors.
All Personnel shall escort to the reception any visitor not assisted and report the incident to the health and safety department