In light of the unfortunate event of the Beirut port explosion of August 4, 2020, Ahliah School witnessed severe damages to its campus – classes, offices, labs, playgrounds, and more.
With the thoughtful efforts of our Ahliah friends and family in organizing a GoFundMe campaign, the initiative reached donors from all over the world and enabled Ahliah to receive a total of $42,094.00.
Their generous contribution allowed us to clear and repair the extensive damage sustained from the senseless and devastating Beirut port explosion. Seventy percent of the windows and doors were dislodged and their glass shattered. Additionally, parts of the false ceiling fell in most offices and hallways causing damage to equipment. The repairs allowed Ahliah to start the school academic year as scheduled. In addition, their contribution allowed Ahliah to avoid raising tuition fees, and to increase its financial aid fund.
Amidst these unfortunate circumstances, we are blessed with all the humanitarian solidarity that surround us. It is the strong will of compassionate individuals that make the world a better place.